Thank you all for agreeing to be a part of our 10th year of Love Denver. This year will certainly look different; from where we are having it, to the way we offer what we have. What does not change is our desire to serve our community and love them, as Christ loves us. Through the rest of this email, I will provide information that should be relevant to all volunteers, regardless of where they are serving.
We have moved the event this year from the high school to the West Campus of Denver Baptist Church at 3549 North Highway 16, Denver, NC 28037.
This location gives us plenty of room to social distance. The event is open to our guests from 10 am until 2 pm, but as volunteers we will need you earlier so we are prepared from the start. Arrival times will be staggered to allow those that need training a chance to get checked in first. Those times will be sent out later this week.
I had planned to send out this email over the weekend, but felt I was missing something. I believe the Holy Spirit showed me what that was at church on Sunday, so with an acknowledgement to Pastor Farrell, I will share. There is much going on in society right now and everyone seems to be saying they are this or that. What we must do, is figure out what and who we are first and foremost. That should be Christians. That is what should define us first with the other things being subsets. Be that white or black, democrat or republican, pro mask or anti-mast or even Blue Devil or Tar Heel. As a Christian first, all those other labels are of little importance and only serve to divide us. Division is a tool of Satan. We need to remain The Church, because a divided church becomes a defeated church.
My last plea before the instructions. The last time I checked, we had 440 guests pre-registered to attend Love Denver. At that same time, I had 75 people volunteered. I know the face mask requirement has deterred some people, but if you know of anyone willing to help, please have them register at
You will be asked to arrive at Denver Baptist at a designated time. We plan to have a traffic team on hand to direct you to the appropriate parking area.
This is an outdoor event. Be prepared.
-Dress casually and comfortably. The temperature is usually above 90
-Use sunscreen. A hat can be a welcome accessory also.
-Hydration is important. Drinks will be available and volunteer support can deliver them as needed.
-Face masks are part of our uniform this year. We will have them available, as will representatives of Novant Health.
After parking, you will check in with me at Volunteer Registration. I will be wearing an orange shirt and should not be difficult to see.
You will have to answer a few questions and get your temperature checked.
Then you will receive a shirt if one was required and ordered. I will have a limited amount of extra shirts available on a first come basis.
My Brothers Bagel has been generous to provide us with coffee and bagels, so you can enjoy them prior to the start of the event.
Lunch will be available of burgers, hot dogs, bagged chips and drinks.
If you have any questions during the event. Ask someone in an orange or pink shirt. Each area has a leader wearing a pink shirt.
Finally, let us all remember that we do this event to show the Love of Christ to our community. Be sure your actions reflect this.
Be friendly and smile. A smile can mean more than words, even behind a mask.
Let’s all try to make this day special for those we are serving. The day is long and exhausting, but if we made a positive influence by showing love to others as Christ commanded, then it was worth it.
I leave you with a quote. “The goal of the church should be to glorify God by reflecting the values of God among the people of God through letting the truth of God be the standard by how we operate.” Dr. Tony Evans
I look forward to meeting, loving and serving with all of you,
Robert Unrath – Love Denver Volunteer Coordinator